Dr Árpád Tóth


Árpád was born in Budapest, 1982. He graduated from the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest with

degrees in choral conducting, music education and as a teacher of solfége and music theory. He currently leads several choirs in Hungary and has worked for more than 12 years with the Hungarian minority of Slovakia as a choral conductor and music educator.

He currently teaches conducting and choir building at the Kodály Institute in Kecskemt. Since 2013 he has also been teaching musical analysis and music theory at the University of Szeged. He has been on the staff of the University Training Secondary School of the Hungarian University of Arts since 2006 where he is the founder and master of the school choir and where he teaches music education, the history of culture and supervises the student self-government.

Árpád has a special interest in contemporary music and has conducted more than 30 premieres. He is the art director of special modern singing events, such as the Budapest Night of Choirs and ‘Hajnalok Völgye’, the first Slovakian contemporary choir festival. Over the years he has built up a special choir improvisation technique with his choirs and he will be sharing these ideas in his evening workshop.