Let The Children Play – 30th October 2015

Egham, Surrey

A one-day course for Early Years Music Teachers

Tutor: Lucinda Geoghegan

Let the children play – experiencing music skills though singing games

Date: Friday, 30th October, 2015 10.00 a.m. – 5.00 p.m.
Location: The Jurgens Centre, Englefield Green, Egham, Surrey TW20 0QR

This course will be a “hands on” music course, with participants actively engaged in playing a variety of singing games. These games form a springboard for musical learning, helping children to experience musical skills including beat, rhythm, pitch, dynamics, tempo and the development of inner hearing. Other topics covered will include:
how to develop the child’s ability to sing in tune; listening skills; how music forms the basis of holistic learning.
Participants will be given a handout of all music covered in the session.

“Lucinda is inspirational – her enthusiasm is catching” – participant on the 2014 NYCoS Summer School

Course fee: £65.00 if application and payment received by 26th September, 2015
£70.00 if application and payment received by 17th October, 2015
£75.00 thereafter
N.B. full payment required upon booking, of which 50% is non-refundable in the event of cancellation by applicant up to 23rd October, 2015 (100% non-refundable thereafter).

Application Form

For further information, please contact:
Nikhil Dally
Winches Cottage, Church Road, Shepperton, Middx. TW17 9JT
e-mail: nikhil@dally.org.uk
tel. 01932 241196