Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 3.00 – 4.15 pm
Esther Hargittai, Árpád Tóth, David Vinden, László Nemes
Conducting classes are offered at four levels as required and will be taught over four days. Students beginning this course on Monday will be expected to attend all four sessions. Details of each level are provided below. Samples of the music are provided not as course materials but as samples for each level. The music can be viewed or downloaded. Course materials will be emailed to delegates in advance of the course.
Conducting 1 (Beginners)
This course is for students who have never or rarely conducted before. It will be particularly suitable for class teachers and those wishing to start a primary choir or an adult choir for inexperienced singers.
- Practical sessions in leading group singing with children with the aim of developing leading skills and ultimately improving performance
- Learning basic conducting techniques:
- posture
- beating patterns
- cues and cut-offs
- entries on any beat of the bar
- non-verbal communication
- Conducting unison songs (à cappella and accompanied), simple two-part songs and simple canons
Conducting Level 1 Al Ha Har and Shalom
Conducting Level 1 Canons
Conducting Level 1 Songs
Conducting 2 (Post-Beginners)
This will consist of the following:
- Conducting technique – starting, stopping, pauses, cues, crescendo/diminuendo
- Left hand and right hand functions; independence of the hands
- Beating patterns
- Preparing a score and knowing it
- Using a tuning fork rather than a piano – developing aural acuity
Conducting Level 2 Eriskay Love Lilt
Conducting Level 2 Kodaly The Shepherd 1928
Conducting Level 2 Lassus Domine Deus
Conducting 3 (Intermediate)
This will consist of the following:
- Conducting technique – starting, stopping, pauses, cues, crescendo/ diminuendo in a more complex musical context
- Left hand and right hand functions; independence of the hands in a more complex musical context
- More complex beating patterns
- Preparing a score and knowing it
- Using a tuning fork rather than a piano – developing aural acuity
- The use of relative solfa to improve reading and intonation
- Working à cappella
- Stylistic knowledge & understanding
Conducting Level 3 – Strike it up_tabor
Conducting Level 3 – Se lontan
Conducting Level 3 – Anerio Ave Maris
Conducting 4 (Advanced Masterclass)
At this level, it is assumed that the student has considerable experience conducting choral groups. The focus of the course will be on interpretation, musical styles and contemporary choral techniques. The repertoire will be agreed in advance with the participants who will be expected to
- have studied the pieces before the course
- be able to sing all the parts with solfa as well as text
- play the pieces on the piano from open score
Conducting Level 4 Lob des Frühlings
Conducting Level 4 Beati_Quorum_Via
Conducting Level 4 Bartok Senkim a világon pg1
Conducting Level 4 Bartok Senkim a világon pg2
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