Kodály Method – 11th and 18th October 2015

Waterloo, London SE1 7HT

A course in sight-singing and general musicianship based on Kodály methodologies, suitable for musicians or teachers wishing to improve their aural musicianship and to gain insight into the Kodály philosophy.

Tutor: Selena Kay

Location: Morley College, 61 Westminster Bridge Road, London SE1 7HT

This course will run over two Sundays in October in Central London (Waterloo).

Sun 11th Oct, 10:30-17:00
Sun 18th Oct, 10:30-17:00

Full fee: £85
Senior fee: £70
Concession: £70

Full details: Kodály Method Weekend Workshop


Teaching Musicianship at the Piano (Part 1) – 26th October 2015

Shepperton, Middlesex

A one-day course for teachers of children aged from 8 years

Course tutor: Nikhil Dally MACantab, CertAdvStudiesGSMD

Dates: Monday 26th October 2015
Location: Winches Cottage, Church Road, Shepperton, Middx. TW17 9JT

The object of this course is to help you to teach a “different” kind of piano lesson:
not conventional private classical piano lessons, in that their principal emphasis is not on learning to play correctly classical pieces written out note-for-note in absolute-pitch standard stave notation. Rather, their emphasis is on continuing the style and methods of the Stepping Notes Music School for the 2s to 8s (singing, movement, relative solfa, relative notation and chord symbols, scale and harmonic analysis), but gradually applying these tools to the piano.

“Thanks for yet another fantastic course. I always come away from your courses inspired and excited and encouraged and full of imaginative and innovative ideas.”
– Eleanor Bartlett

By these means, you will learn how you can help your children to learn to:
– write and improvise piano accompaniments to songs
– “play by ear”
– play from chord symbols
– transpose pieces at sight
– compose for the piano
– accompany others effectively
– play the piano in vocal and instrumental ensembles

In order to get the most from this course, you will need to:
(1) have a working knowledge of basic relative solfa; and
(2) be familiar with, or be willing to familiarise yourself with, some simple children’s songs, some of them from the Colourstrings repertoire (therefore you may need to purchase some books or CDs in order to do so).
If you are unsure about any of these things, please do contact Nikhil first to discuss this. Thank you.

Course fee: £65.00 (including a simple vegetarian lunch)
N.B. There are very limited spaces on this course; you are advised to apply early!

Piano Teachers Course Application Form

“I loved the logical progression of the way you built up musical understanding. We were taught it and demonstrated it such that it all made perfect sense.”
– Emily Keyte

The course tutor:

Nikhil Dally received first-class honours in music from Cambridge University, and studied composition at the Guildhall School of Music. Nikhil founded the Stepping Notes Music School in 2000. He designed the Stepping Notes curriculum himself and teaches all classes, for children aged 2 to 8. The school now has about 100 students on its roll, and recently won the award for Best Local Activity with What’s On 4 Little Ones. Nikhil is increasingly in demand to lead workshops for teachers on the Stepping Notes approach. Recent engagements include a series of workshops at the Colourstrings International Summer School and the British Kodály Academy Summer School, a workshop for the Dalcroze Society Professional Development Day, a training session for teachers at the Len Tyler Music School, four INSET courses for Bracknell Forest primary school teachers, and a course for the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Singapore. Stepping Notes teachers’ courses are regularly over-subscribed.

For further information, please contact:
Nikhil Dally
Winches Cottage, Church Road, Shepperton, Middx. TW17 9JT
E-mail: nikhil@dally.org.uk
Tel. 01932 241196
Website: www.dally.org.uk/steppingnotes

Dr János Klézli

Janos KlezliJános will be giving individual singing lessons at the Kodály Summer School 2015.

Dr János Klézli, Baritone, began his musical studies in his native town, Szekszárd. He studied violin, piano and voice. After completing his conservatory studies he was admitted to the Voice Department of the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest where his professors were József Simándi and Zsolt Bende. He graduated with honours in 1988.

In May 2003 the Doctor of Liberal Arts (DLA) in performing arts was conferred upon him at the Liszt Academy of Music. Since September 1988 he has been teaching at the Liszt Academy of Music, Budapest; he also teaches voice training at the Zoltán Kodály Pedagogical Institute of Music, Kecskemét. János gives concerts regularly and his repertoire includes works by Baroque, Classical, Romantic and contemporary composers. He has taken part in performances of several opera and oratorios, among other works by Purcell, Bach, Haydn, Buxtehude, Händel, Mozart, Schubert, Vivaldi, Liszt, Kodály and Arvo Pärt. He regularly gives master classes in Hungary and abroad.

Dr Susan Brumfield

Susan BrumfieldDr. Susan Brumfield is Professor of Music Education at Texas Tech University, and holds a Ph.D. in Music Education from the University of Oklahoma. She is widely known throughout the United States and the United Kingdom as a clinician, consultant, author, composer, arranger and conductor of children’s choirs, and is an internationally recognized Kodaly educator. Frequently in demand as a guest conductor, Dr. Brumfield is the Artistic Director and Conductor of The West Texas Children’s Chorus. Dr. Brumfield is a program author for the national series music texts, Silver Burdett Ginn Making Music, and a contributing author for the Hal Leonard magazine for classroom music teachers, John Jacobson’s Music Express. Dr. Brumfield’s choral music is available through Colla Voce Music and Hal Leonard Publications. She was invited by the International Kodaly Society to represent the United States with a new choral composition commissioned for the internationally released IKS publication Music: A Universal Language. Dr. Brumfield teaches in Kodaly certificate programs throughout the country. She serves as Academic Director of The West Texas Kodaly Initiative, and holds the same position in courses at Portland State University and Westminster Choir College.

Dr. Brumfield has conducted extensive field and archival research in England and Scotland, tracing the roots of American folk music in traditional British music. Her most recent publications, Hot Peas and Barley-O: Children’s Songs and Games from Scotland, and Over the Garden Wall: Children’s Songs and Games from England are available through Hal Leonard Publications. She is currently at work on Giro Giro Tondo, a new collections of children’s songs and games from Italy for use in the music classroom, and on a series of pedagogy materials for music teachers.

Dr James Cuskelly

James CuskellyJames is Head of Music at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School, Brisbane, President of the International Kodály Society, Director of the Summer School Music Program, and Director of the Cuskelly College of Music.

He completed undergraduate studies and a Diploma of Education at the University of Queensland. The Kodály Certificate from Holy Names College (California) was awarded in 1991 and the Master of Music Studies (The University of Queensland) in 1997. He gained the Doctor of Philosophy (The University of Queensland) in Music Education in 2007. He was Head of Music Education and the Aural Musicianship Program at the University of Queensland from 2000 – 2010, and during that time received two awards for Excellence in Teaching.

James has a very broad base in education, having taught in Kindergarten, pre-school, primary and secondary classrooms as well as in tertiary institutions.His passion for music, and his ability to enthuse and bring about effective learning in students across all ages or abilities, is internationally recognised. He is frequently asked as guest presenter and keynote speaker, and recently has taught at the Kodály Pedagogical Institute (Hungary), in the National Youth Choir of Scotland Summer Program and in the National KMEIA Conference.

James is committed to teacher training in music education, is considered a global leader in music education and directs internationally recognized programs. He runs a variety of accredited teacher training programs including the Summer School Music Program (Brisbane) and The Australian Kodály Certificate programs in Malaysia, Perth and New Zealand.A talented musician in his own right, James is also a highly regarded choral conductor and clinician. He is founding Director of the Queensland Kodály Choir and conductor of the women’s performing ensemble, Valency Ensemble. He is frequently asked to run choral workshops and lead choral festivals and workshops, and each year James convenes The Big Sing, a community choral festival held in Brisbane.

For an interview with James see: https://youtu.be/Zanw3WtM0Jg

Sally Leeming

Sally LeemingSally is a singer and musicianship teacher living in Bingley, West Yorkshire. For many years she was a class teacher and KS2 Maths Co-ordinator.

Whilst teaching in the middle school she set up a project, working with a group of children from the local special school, and their teacher – Judith Brindle. The project involved singing and playing musical games together and was Sally’s first ‘proper’ introduction to the Kodály Concept of Music Education.

One of the aims of the project was to encourage Sally to incorporate her singing skills into the classroom. After the birth of her son, Sally attended courses run by Judith and The Voices Foundation. After hearing about the wonderful summer school from circa 1990 onwards, Sally finally made it to Leicester in 2003 and has attended the majority of summer schools since then, becoming a BKA tutor in 2014.

For the last few years Sally has worked on projects, incorporating Kodály musicianship, for the Northern Orchestral Enterprise Ltd (NOEL) in Halifax and the Sing Up Outreach Project for Bradford Cathedral and, in 2017 Sally presented a series of workshops at the Bradford Music Education Conference.

Sally teaches privately as well as singing as a soloist and in a variety of choirs. Since 2011 she has taught Kodály Musicianship in a state primary school in Queensbury, Bradford, West Yorkshire.

Zoe Greenhalgh

Zoe GreenhalghZoe is a Kodály trained Early Childhood Music Specialist with a wealth of experience of working in a wide range of Early Childhood settings. She also provides bespoke training workshops for early childhood education and music practitioners and is an Associate Tutor in Early Years and Primary Education at Edge Hill University. A former BKA Trustee, Zoe is an active musician playing the viola.

Her qualifications include MA Education, Early Years; PDC (Early Childhood Music, Kodaly); PGCE; BA(Hons); RGN.

Kodály Taster Day – 21st June 2015

Exeter, DevonExeter

An introduction to Kodály philosophy, an inspirational concept of music education.

Tutor: David Vinden

Day includes:

  • Vocal warm-up
  • Singing together
  • Practical sessions developing real musicianship skills relevant for individual, classroom and instrumental situations

David Vinden is the co-author of Jolly Music and one of the UK’s foremost exponents of Kodály music education.

Venue: Chapel, University of Exeter, Heavitree Road, Exeter EX1 2LU

Date: Sunday 21st June 2015 9:30am – 4:30pm

Fee: £50

Please bring your own lunch. There is a Waitrose opposite the venue. Tea and coffee will be provided for breaks.

Contact: Rebecca Willson on rebeccalouisewillson@gmail.com

Kodaly Taster Day Exeter May 2015 Application Form

Taster Day Exeter June 2015

Certification Fees

These fees were for the 2015 applicants. Updates for 2016 will be added here when confirmed.

A deposit of £100 is required to secure your booking. To book your place, please complete the Kodály Summer School application form.


RESIDENT: £619.00/699.00 (includes accommodation, meals and break refreshments)
Payable before the 9th of August, 2015


NON – RESIDENT: £520.00 (includes meals and break refreshments)

The timetable for the Summer School for Level 1 Certificate Students can be found here.

£456.00 (payable by 31st December 2015)

  • Study Day 1 (November 2014)
  • Mentoring
  • Marking

TOTAL FEES FOR PART ONE: £1075.00/£1155.00 (or £976.00 if non-resident at Summer School)

PART TWO commencing at the BKA Spring Course 2016
£895.00 payable by 30th June 2016

  • BKA Spring Course
  • Study Day 2 (June 2016)
  • Mentoring
  • Marking
  • Musicianship Assessment(if applicable): £80.00

TOTAL FEES FOR PART TWO: £895.00 [£975.00 with Assessment]


£1,970.00 if resident at Summer School and qualifying for discounted rate
£2,050.00 if resident and paying full fee at the Summer School 2015
£1,871.00 if non-resident at Summer School

Add £80 to all the above for Musicianship Assessment if applicable

NB. When estimating the total financial investment in this course please allow for the cost of travel and any other related expenses for Study Days, musicianship assessment and lesson observations.

The BKA regrets that applications received after 31st July 2015 cannot be accepted

BKA Level 1 Certification Fees 2015-16 as a downloadable pdf

A deposit of £100 is required to secure your booking. To book your place, please complete the Kodály Summer School application form.