Find A Teacher or Kodály Choir

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We have members all over the UK and abroad who are ready and waiting to hear from you. Perhaps you are looking for a musicianship class or one to one lessons. Maybe you are interested in learning an instrument with a teacher who incorporates the Kodály approach in their teaching. Do you have children who are looking for a fun Pre-School class or After-School club?

Our members teach a wide variety of ages and abilities in different settings around the UK and internationally. Why not take a look, there maybe something going on just around the corner!

Online Musicianship Classes

Teachers in Northern England – North East, North West, Yorkshire, Humberside
Teachers in Central England – West Midlands, East Midlands, Eastern England
Teachers in Greater London
Teachers in Southern England – South West, South East

Teachers in Scotland
International Teachers

Classes, Choirs and Orchestras for Adults

Click for details of the BKA Musicianship Levels and Conducting Curriculum

Our Corporate Members

Szilvay Foundation
Colourstrings has an excellent reputation worldwide for providing quality music education for children, in an intuitive and enjoyable way, from music kindergarten to conservatoire level

Dalcroze UK
In Dalcroze Eurhythmics, music is experienced through movement – the teaching and learning process engages body, mind and emotion.

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