Waterloo South West London
Musical Director: Alan Murdock: https://kodaly.org.uk/blog/alan-murdock-biography
The Kodály Choir of London rehearses choral music using Kodály principles. Some knowledge of solfa is recommended, and some choral singing experience is helpful. We sing beautiful music from a wide range of styles and eras of music etc, under the able direction of Alan Murdock. Work involves a range of pieces and exercises of varied ease/difficulty, some accessible for less experienced sight readers, some quite challenging. We are a small friendly group, who meet for the enjoyment and practice of music. Occasionally we present a concert, often informally for friends and family.
Venue: The choir meet at 2:00pm to 5:00pm on the second Sunday of most months at the Waterloo Action Centre, (Mezzanine Room) 14 Baylis Road, SE1 7AA. https://www.waterlooactioncentre.co.uk . It is very close to Waterloo Station, near the junction with Lower Cut and Waterloo Road, where the Old Vic theatre sits.
Dates Spring 2022: 9th January, 13th February, 13th March.
Check with choir Secretary (see below) if dates are not published here.
Fees: £50 for the each of the Spring and Summer terms 2022.
£60 per term from Autumn 2022 onwards. Single visits will be £16. Reduced rate is available for students.
Chairman: Roddy Elmer roderickelmer@talktalk.net
Treasurer: Ed Mills edward_jmills@hotmail.com
Secretary: Caroline Flynn pcarolineflynn@gmail.com
Facebook Provider: Trish Cummings musicianshipwithtrish@gmail.com
Covid precautions: To enhance the safety of all, attendees should undertake a Lateral Flow Test prior to attendance at each session, and only come if it is negative. The following will be undertaken: Mask wearing when not singing, social distancing, and room ventilation; the venue is a large room with windows.