Musicianship Levels
Elementary: (for a detailed syllabus click: Levels 1-2; Levels 3-4)
For those who read music but who would like to improve their general musicianship. This will be an introduction to relative solfa, handsigns and rhythm names. The course will cover sight-singing, dictation, the five pentatonic scales, pentatonic intervals and simple diatonic music; students will also work on memory training, the development of inner hearing and co-ordination.
Intermediate: (click: Levels 5-6; Levels 7-8)
For students who have successfully completed Elementary Musicianship, for those who have a good basic understanding of written music and the workings of solfa and for those who want to go beyond the basic scales and modes and into more complicated rhythms, keys, time signatures and harmonies.
Advanced: (click: Levels 9-10)
For students who have successfully completed Intermediate Musicianship.
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