- How Can I Keep From Singing! - How Can I Keep From Singing! – The BKA Songbook Buy now from the BKA Shop Middle School and Sunday School, early years and teenage boys, wheel-chair circle games and More →
- An Appraisal of Sarah Glover’s Norwich Sol-fa Method by Celia Waterhouse - AN APPRAISAL OF THE NORWICH SOL-FA METHOD AND MATERIALS FOR CHOIR TRAINING AND MUSIC TEACHING, DEVISED BY SARAH ANNA GLOVER IN 19TH CENTURY NORWICH. Much of this methodology was carried More →
- The Kodály Concept by Gillian Earl - The Kodály Concept of music education is not a method as such, neither are there any Kodály instrumental methods. The Concept is unique in that Kodály combined elements from existing More →
- Questions about the Kodály Approach - Kodály’s approach to music education is based on teaching, learning and understanding music through the experience of singing, giving direct access to the world of music without the technical problems More →
- Key elements of the Kodály Concept by Benjamin Westley - An essay submitted by Ben Westley as part of the Springboard HE1 Certificate Course 2010 – 11. What are the key elements of the Kodály Concept and how has what More →
- The Kodály Experience by Cyrilla Rowsell - This article by Cyrilla Rowsell first appeared in Libretto, the journal of the Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music, in May 2003. ‘How many of you know anything More →
- The Importance of Inner Hearing by Becky Welsh - Essay written by Becky Welsh’s as part of her double bass studies at Trinity College of Music. Reproduced here with her kind permission. ‘Discuss the Importance of the Inner Hearing More →
- The Gifts That Keep Giving by Sandra L. Mathias - Keynote speech given at the 2005 IKS Symposum by Sandra L. Mathias Good morning, symposium participants, students, guests, IKS Board members and our gracious British hosts. It is a bit More →
- Kodály’s Legacy: The Power of one – The Power of a Few – The Power of Many by Dr. Jerry-Louis Jaccard - Keynote speech given at the 2005 IKS Symposum Welcome to the other G-8 Summit! We are here to discuss Music, which for the cultural anthropologist, Claude Lévi-Strauss, was “the supreme More →
- Only art of intrinsic value is suitable for children by Michalis Patseas - The choice of music literature appropriate for education according to Kodály’s principles. Keynote speech given at the 2005 IKS Symposum. Abstract: The Kodály Concept is the major music pedagogy philosophy More →
- Zoltán Kodály’s Inspiration and the Challenges of the 21st Century by Gilbert de Greeve - Keynote speech given at the 2005 IKS Symposum In line with the Conference theme I would like to invite you to some reflection about Zoltán Kodály and the Challenges of More →
- Is the “Hundred Year Plan” still timely in the 21st century? by Ildokó Herboly Kocsár - Keynote speech given at the 2005 IKS Symposum Zoltan Kodály wrote his article called “The 100 Year Plan” in a music teachers’ periodical in 1947. Ever since its first appearance More →
- How Loud Is Too Loud? by Betty Power - from the BKA Newsletter, Summer 2002 Unless we are fortunate enough to live and work in an environment of peaceful, natural beauty, it is likely that most of us would More →
- A Year in Kecskemét by Barbara Jenkinson - from BKA Newsletter, Summer 2004 I first visited Kecskemét over ten years ago, and although I had already heard of the Kodály Institute, after looking around it, I realised how much More →
- Musical Experience – from Cradle (and before) to Grave? by Janet Hayward - A look at the power of music in old age when the mental functions may diminish by Janet Hayward (BKA Newsletter, Spring 2003) A little while ago, I watched a More →
- Teaching Tips: Two Activities by Helga Dietrich - by Judy Brindle (BKA Newsletter, Spring 2003) 1. “Hey Jim Along”* A song I new but never used because I lacked a “game”. Here is Helga’s: Stand in a circle More →
- The Christmas Nightmare in the Nursery School by Angela Tilly - BKA Newsletter, Winter 2003 This is often a ‘thorny’ subject between vocal specialists and teachers with no musical skills. How many of us have had to put our children through More →
- Singing: An Emotional Language by Carolyn Spencer - One teacher’s moving account of the power of song in the classroom, BKA Newsletter, Winter 2003 As a year one class-room teacher I have recently had a close encounter with More →
- Music Education in the Early Years by Celia Waterhouse - First published in EYE Magazine in February 2002 All quality pre-school institutions profess that music is an integral part of their programme. The recent pre-school expansion in Britain has seen More →
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