Spring Course Warm ups and Vocal Lessons

The Modern Singer Technique (TCM in French) approach, created by Allan Hubert-Wright, is a vocal pedagogy based on the physiological and acoustic function of the voice. It allows singers and other voice users to better balance and understand their instrument – and thus make better (and more healthy) use of it.

Singing lessons: Allan will be giving individual singing lessons throughout the week.

If you have booked a lesson, please choose some pieces you would like to work with, in any style or genre (simple folk-song, musical theatre, jazz, classical etc.), and bring two copies of each piece.

Daily Warm-ups: Think you can lie-in in the morning? If you do you will be missing Allan’s fantastic warm-up sessions to set you up for the day ahead. Do your voice a favour!

For more information about Allan’s work, see his website: http://www.chanteurmoderne.com/