12 Reasons

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Find out more about the Spring Course or go straight to the booking form – Bookings close Wednesday 21st March

1. Improve listening skills through singing canons, part singing and fine tune your auditory skills

2. De-mystify musical literacy by breaking the process down into pulse, rhythm and pitch in a non-threatening way

3. Develop music sight reading through greater understanding how to read rhythmic patterns by hearing names (Chevre) for the length of sound and seeing the pitch using hand signs (solfa)

4. Improve your memory and concentration by learning songs by rote and memorizing musical phrases (a skill that children find easy but adults often lose) and musical games

5. Find your voice using vocal techniques demonstrated by expert singing coach Allan Hubert-Wright chanteurmoderne.com

6. Enjoy the sound of beautiful singing led daily by expert choral director, Dr. Árpád Tóth

7. Learn how to improvise harmonies in A cappella singing workshops with world-class A cappella singer, Chris Rupp (of Home Free and 7th Ave fame)

8. Compose creatively with our award winning composer, dr. Szófiá Táller, using dramaturgy to make compositions come alive

9. Musical Ideas to help you teach singing, choirs, instrumental lessons and ensembles

10. Ideas for Early Years and Primary school music lessons that are fun!

11. Singing improves your sense of well-being and confidence

12. Achieve results: people come back time after time because WE NEVER STOP LEARNING

Find out more about the Spring Course or go straight to the booking form – Bookings close Wednesday 21st March